Saturday, November 12, 2005

TappyTux - OpenLab and thin clients

AJ just uploaded the latest version of TappyTux.
It'll soon be installed on our computers so that we can test it with the kids here.

TappyTux is a children's educational game suite, created originally for a project by SchoolNet Namibia. The game is Free Software, and all the artwork and sound are under GPL compatible creative-commons licenses.
It is fun and addictive, and although it is meant for children, many adults have told me they
love it too.
Version 2 takes it to the next level however, the interface and game code had a massive overhaul, sound and music support was improved and the game was modularised to allow many different game types to be played on the same engine.

The current version ships with two modules, tappywords (a typing tutor) and tappymath
(an algebra game). Writing new modules is really easy so even a beginner programmer could add more. The game is designed to work well in a thin-client lab, and as of this release, is based on GTK2, improving not just the look and feel but also the internationalisation support.
The game is shipped as a slackware / OpenLab package, which means a simple extraction should work on most modern distributions. You can download it here

The OpenCafe is run on a thin client network - this setup enables us to run the cafe from one single computer - all 20 workstations have their thin clients that act as a connection to the main computer.

This setup is also used by the TuxLab project of the Shuttleworth Foundation and also by OpenLab .

OpenLab is the oldest African developed GNU/Linux distribution. Started in 2001, the product has built up a well deserved reputation for ease-of-use, innovation and user-oriented design.

The latest version (4.0 - Perdita), released September 2005 takes this further once more, with the new installable LIVEcd, greatly improved OLAD (OpenLab ADministration tool) and many other innovations ranging from backend systems such as the hyperdrive suite which completely decomplexifies the handling of removable media to user-level enhancements such as the highly integrated desktop theme featuring the award winning Nuvola icon set.

OpenLab's historic strength as a thin-client system is taken to new heights with 4.0 adding even better integration for local devices and improved sound support while taking the unique adaptive-desktop technology to new levels for even greater ease of use.

OpenLab was orriginally developed as a niche solution for the education sector but over it's four year life-cycle has grown into a complete desktop operating system well suited to the home desktop, small business and many other environments where it usually leaves other contenders far behind.

Developed using principles from extreme programming, with constant involvement of a wide-range of participants in the process with frequent reevalutation of designs, OpenLab is an innovative, vibrant and above all fun platform that continuously evolves to meet the real needs of the desktop market.

Have you got OpenLab yet ?


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